How To Find Out A Right Type of Ink Cartridge For Your Inkjet Printer
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Inkjet printers contain multiple cartridges that work together in outputting your company's forms, letters, contracts and other documents. Every printer prints with a specific printer cartridge series. When a cartridge runs out of ink, you must replace it with the correct cartridge for your printer to work correctly. Each cartridge contains a number that helps you identify it at office supply, computer or electronics stores or online vendors. The cartridges are also available at retail superstores. This paper will figure out 4 ways to assist you choosing a right type ink cartridge for your inkjet printer.


Ink Cartridge Carrier

Find out from the ink cartridge carrier is the easiest route. In general, the ink cartridge number of your inkjet printer is shown on the top or front of the ink cartridge carrier on a sticker. The sticker also contains the colour of the cartridge – black, magenta, yellow and cyan. If your printer contains a colour ink cartridge that combines all three colours – magenta, yellow and cyan – the combined cartridge contains a single number instead of three numbers. The correct number can also be found on each ink cartridge itself.


Printer Manual

You also can find the ink cartridge's number on your printer's manual. Look for the number next to the wording “Cartridge number” or “Cartridge type.” Write down the numbers on a piece of paper or take the manual with you to the store so you can locate the ink cartridge quickly.



The directly way to figure out what cartridges work with your printer is by opening up the printer to see what cartridges are currently inside the machine


Manufacturer's Website

You can also find out what kind of ink cartridges your printer needs by visiting its manufacturer's website and entering your printer's model number in the website's search engine. The search results return your printer's specifications, including ink cartridge numbers.